
Testing and Certification

Flamma Ltd is committed to delivering quality products and installations to our valued customers across Ireland and the UK. Flamma Ltd are the only Approved Contractor for the installation and certification of Envirograf products throughout Ireland. 

Our ISO 9001 Quality System utilises software that records each individual element of our fire upgrade work throughout the various project stages. This ensures that our clients/consultants can be confident that their products have been specified correctly and are certified to the relevant CE/BS or EN standard in compliance with the Building Regulations. It also records and audits our on-site installations in real time ensuring that the installation meets the Workmanship element of the relevant Building Regulations in Ireland and the UK.

Survey & Assessments

Flamma carries out detailed on site surveys/assessments using bespoke software that records the individual elements pictorially through written specifications. This ensures that the correct products are recorded and specified for each individual scenario. Detailed reports are then printed from the site survey/assessment database.


Flamma Ltd work with numerous consultants, property developers, hoteliers, social housing bodies and local councils and heritage organisations to deliver bespoke solutions to their ever more demanding fire protection needs.


Certification is required to demonstrate the following:

  1. Performance of the Product - Materials
  2. Performance of the Installer– Workmanship

To be compliant with the Building Regulations a product must be fit for purpose and this takes the form of a CE mark, DOP or Independent Test to relevant Standard

Our supply partner Envirograf Ireland certifies the material performance and Flamma ltd certifies the Workmanship.

Each certificate details the specification and materials ordered as well as the material performance test creating a traceable supply chain between the factory and the eventual installation.

This ensures:

  • The product is fresh from the factory (paint products have a 12month max shelf life)
  • It is a genuine Envirograf Product
  • It creates an audit trail from the factory through to delivery, storage and site application/installation
  • Certification of the product performance
  • Certification of Installation
  • Quality control ensuring the right product is specified, ordered, delivered and applied correctly

We can also provide 3rd party certification (if required) through our supply chain partners

Building Regulations

The building regulations throughout the different jurisdictions have different wording but essentially identical requirements:

  • Materials -All work shall be carried out with proper materials of a suitable nature, fit for the use for which they are intended and for the conditions in which they are to be used.
  • Proper materials is defined as materials which comply with an appropriate Irish Standard/British standard or European standard.
  • Workmanship – To ensure a proper standard of workmanship, it is essential that persons are competent, possessing sufficient training, experience and knowledge appropriate to the nature of the work he or she is required to perform and having particular regard to the size and complexity of such works.

Establishing competency is the responsibility of the client/design team and contractor. The suitability of a contractor can be established through:

  • Management system – BSN ISO 9001
  • Software systems
  • Insurance
  • Past experience / competence
  • Staff training
  • Approved contractor designation

In conclusion, it is the client’s responsibility and a requirement in law to ensure that a competent contractor carries out the works using proper materials that have been tested to the appropriate standard.